Seek the Truth ~ It hides in plain Sight
Seek the Truth ~ It hides in plain Sight
Michael Malasnik
How it works
It helps to believe it if you can see it.
How can anyone truly understand hot if all they have ever known is cold? Or how could one explain the concept of up to someone who has only known down?
I believe the biggest barrier keeping people from truly understanding and believing what science and others have long been telling us, is the wall between the two worlds.
Have you ever heard stories from people who died and came back to life? Do you remember any saying they would work harder or put more money into their 401K? No, they all tend to say they will spend more time with the ones they love, and doing the things they enjoy doing most.
Plato's Allegory of the Cave
A true classic! As anyone who has escaped the cave can tell you, this is certainly true. I especially identify with the man returning to the cave to enlighten those still in the dark.
How the Illusion really works
Few videos are as easy to follow and understand while going ever deeper into the many levels of how and why we perceive life the way we do. A MUST Watch.
Do our senses betray us?
This really shows how limited we are by our 5 senses. Some might even say we live in a box...
Simulation Universe Theory
Elon Musk discusses the likely hood that we are living in some form of computer simulator.
Could the Matrix be real?
Dr James Gates brings Neil Degrassi Tyson to his knees with the idea that the fabric of reality contains web browser code.
WARNING - Stop watching video at 4:45! For some reason the creator of this video tried to ruin it.
God's Fingerprint - The Fibonacci Sequence
Thinking of holograms and computers simulations as being described to explain reality, this could make a lot of sense.
Where Buddhism and Science Meet
If there is only one truth, then it only makes sense that different perspectives would point to the same thing.
Watch as Quantum Physics seems to explain Buddhism.
Life After Death ~ A Dr.'s Experience
Thinking of holograms and computers simulations as being described to explain reality, this could make a lot of sense.