Seek the Truth ~ It hides in plain Sight
Seek the Truth ~ It hides in plain Sight
Michael Malasnik
A wise man realizing the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it is real, so escapes the suffering. The Buddha
Change is in the air
As we move from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, we are experiencing the birth of a whole new reality. One that will require a new understanding of oneself, and of ones reality to thrive.
A new understanding based on (Ancient) Wisdom, (Hidden) Knowledge and Modern Science.
Rockefeller Plaza - Wisdom and Knowledge
Shall Be the Stability Of Thy Times
Old sort of thinking - with a new reality,
doesn't work. ~ 14th Dalai Llama
May you live in interesting times. ~ Ancient Chinese Curse
When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
Mystics, Religions, Philosophers and Great Minds throughout the ages have hinted at the truth by using very cryptic sayings, and verses purposely written to be interpreted many different ways.
The Mystery Schools teach that the Bible, as well as other sacred texts and words of wisdom were written on two different levels: One was for the masses, the other was Esoteric and only meant for the few to understand. One understanding can be very freeing, while the other not so much...
~ Blessed is he who has eyes to see and ears that hear.
Now today, modern science is seriously considering all sorts of computer simulation and holographic universe theories while at the same time integrating humans with machines. Proving at some level, human biology and computer code speak the same language. Think about that a minute...
~ Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. ~ Albert Einstein.
When you put ancient wisdom together with science a funny thing happens. Life starts to make a lot more sense. And when life makes more sense, it becomes much more fun and enjoyable.
D ~ Once you See it, you can Never Unsee it. ~ The Matrix Movie
Yesterday I was smart and so was going to change the world. Today I am wise and so will change myself.
~ Rumi
Yesterday I was smart and so was going to change the world. Today I am wise and so will change myself.
~ Rumi
Seek the Truth
If the Greatest Teachers of all time shared their knowledge with you, would you believe them?
Lets ask Jesus, The Buddha, Einstein, Aristotle, Carl Jung, Shakespeare, Alexander the Great and others life's biggest questions, and see what they want us to know.
But to understand their true and Esoteric meanings, we must use eyes that see and ears that hear
to see how the Truth Hides In Plain Sight in our everyday lives.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher
As above, So below. So within, So without.
Hermes Trismagistus
Metaphysical Concepts
Meta~Greek word for Above or Beyond. Physical~The classical physical model.
Most of us are familiar with these concepts, and even experience them in our everyday lives. And even more of us believe in some higher power or God that created & controls the universe.
We are all one
Everything Happens for a Reason
Life after death ~ Reincarnation
The Paranormal
Purpose for my life
Soul Mates
Everything is Energy neither create or destroy
Divine Timing
Karma - What comes around goes around - Yin and Yan ~ Duality
Law of Attraction
Living a life based on this knowledge and understanding is sure better than living in a world of solidity and separateness with no understanding of how or why it works.
It's not what you look at, it's what you see
~ find author
See it Hiding
Imagine if you were told one thing, when in fact just the opposite were true. As an example, we are just random biological beings living in a random physical universe. We are here to go to school, get a job, pay taxes raise a family then die. The end.
When you change the way you look things, the things
you look at change ~ Dr Wayne Dyer
My goal is to help those who seek the truth to find it through seeing life in an entirely new and exciting way.